What are preserved roses?

Preserved roses are natural roses that go through a special process which makes them look and feel fresh for up to 3 years, in optimal conditions. The roses are cut when they reach their greatest state and are then dehydrated and treated with a special solution. The solution used is non-toxic and the whole process is environmentally friendly, ensuring that you can enjoy your roses for a long time.

How do I take care of my preserved roses?

When properly taken care of, our preserved roses can last between 1 to 3 years! Taking care of your preserved roses is easy.

Keep your roses in a room-temperature environment and avoid direct sunlight and humidity. Do not water the roses and refrain from touching them as this could damage their appearance and colour. Do not place anything on top of the roses as it will damage their shape. Please handle the box with care, avoiding tilting and throwing.

How do I take care of my Rose Bear? 

Our rose bears can last forever, and you can ensure that they preserve their look by placing them out of direct sunlight, as it can damage their colour. Please handle your rose bear with care and do not place anything on top of it, as it can damage its shape. Please note that this is not a toy and careless handling can cause the flowers to fall off or damage their shape.

How do I send a card with my order?

If you would like to send a card with your gift, you can do so by writing your message in the “additional comments” section before checking out. We offer this service free of charge for any orders placed with us.

Can I personalise my purchase?

If you have any questions about personalising your gift, please send your request to theluxuryboxusa@gmail.com . 

Maybe you want a different colour mix of roses, or a different ribbon- let us know and we will try our best to cater for your specific requirements. Please note that some made-to-order products might not be eligible for a refund.